Polymers - PP

Polypropylene (PP), also known as Polypropene, is a rigid and crystalline thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications.
It is readily available, relatively inexpensive and offers an excellent combination of physical, chemical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties that are not found in any other thermoplastic. Though lower in impact strength than polyethylene, Polypropylene has superior working temperature and tensile strength.
- High flexural strength due to its semi-crystalline nature
- Low density (0.9 g/cm3)
- Excellent chemical resistance to organic solvents, degreasing agents, and electrolytic attack
- Good sound-deadening properties
- Light-weight and strain resistant
- Excellent reproduction of mould surface
- Good water vapour barrier
- Capable of being recycled
OPaL polypropylene resins are used by our customers to manufacture a wide range of goods including fresh food
packaging, electrical components, consumer products, medical applications, pipe systems and many others.
packaging, electrical components, consumer products, medical applications, pipe systems and many others.