OPaL gets 5S Certification
  • 11 - Mar - 2024

OPaL has achieved the esteemed Five-5 Workplace Management System, Level-1 Initiator certification conferred by the Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI). This certification follows a meticulous evaluation conducted by Technical Experts, valid from February 29, 2024, until February 28, 2027. This certification underscores OPAL's commitment to quality and continuous improvement. All Seven ones within OPaL - PP, HDPE, PWH, PARC, Central Lab, Security, and OHC - have voluntarily adopted and implemented 5S guidelines during the initial phases of this endeavour.By embracing the principles of the 5S methodology, OPaL is not only optimizing its operations but also setting a standard for excellence within the industry.

The 5S methodology, derived from Japanese principles encompassing "Seiri" (Re- organisation), "Seiton" (Neatness), "Seis?" (Cleanliness), "Seiketsu" (standardization), and "Shitsuke" (Discipline), aims to cultivate workplaces characterized by cleanliness, orderliness, safety, and efficient organization. By minimizing waste and optimizing productivity, it fosters a high-quality work environment, particularly beneficial for areas emphasizing visual control and lean production, the 5S philosophy holds immense significance.

Maintaining optimal conditions within the work area is paramount, directly impacting employee satisfaction and overall operational efficiency. This endeavour is aimed at nurturing a culture of excellence that resonates positively with customers. OPaL remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding these elevated standards and is poised to extend 5S practices to its remaining plants in the subsequent phase. This strategic move is intended to enhance operational efficiency and align with the benchmarks set by global organizations renowned for their excellence. The 5S initiative has emerged as a pivotal force in fostering a culture of cleanliness not only within the workplace but also extending to homes.

This achievement stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication leadership of its employees, from the COO to the Plant Heads, Section In-Charges and 5S Team, under the able leadership of the COO. Their active engagement and efficient allocation of resources within their respective zones were instrumental in realizing this feat that will continue to drive the company forward.

OPaL extends its heartfelt congratulations to the entire team for this remarkable success.