75th Republic Day Celebrated at OPaL
  • 26 - Jan - 2024

The 75th Republic Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at OPaL. Chief Guest Shri Gurinder Singh, Managing Director, OPaL, unfurled the national flag, followed by a ceremonial parade by the Security, Fire, and Armed SRP platoons.

Shri Gurinder Singh addressed the gathering after the parade, warmly extending his greetings to OPaLians on this special day. He stressed the importance of Universal Adult Franchise as a foundational step taken by our pioneers to build the nation, quoting, “Our founders had a motto to let the noble thoughts come from all directions; that’s how our constitution was adopted.”

During his speech, he highlighted that achieving our nation's full potential depends on advancements in health and education. He mentioned the 'Urjavaan' workshop organized by ONGC, which brought together various group companies, including OPaL, to discuss aligning their goals with ONGC’s objective of generating 10 Gigawatts of renewable energy. He expressed pride in collaborating with ONGC to meet this ambitious target.

He concluded by encouraging everyone to take pride in their achievements and commit to good citizenship.

The celebration continued with the distribution of awards by Shri Gurinder Singh to the security team Jawans who demonstrated exceptional determination and made sacrifices in their duty. The event featured a range of cultural performances, including group songs by OPaL Security Jawans, solo dances, musical instrument displays, and solo singing acts.

The security team also demonstrated exercises for maintaining physical health and showcased self-defense techniques through a live act. Later in the program, Excellence Awards and Appreciation Certificates were presented across various categories to recognize the outstanding contributions of several departments and security personnel by the HODs.

The event concluded with an energetic bhangra performance, followed by a vote of thanks by Shri Rajeev Vijay, Head – U&O.